Kick Back... It's Labor Day!

September 2, 2013

West Hollywood, CA

First off, Happy Labor Day! I hope that you have been enjoying this long lovely weekend and that you are soaking up the last bits of summer. 

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I’m definitely in denial about the fact that my favorite time of year is quickly coming to a halt.  However, here in Los Angeles, it feels like we are in the peak of summer.  The weather has been warmer than it has been ALL YEAR!  I am capitalizing that because it’s pretty serious (I might melt away over here) and I want that to come across loud and clear.  Sometimes I exaggerate…well, exaggerating is a strong word.  Embellish would be more accurate.  Sometimes I’ll say something like “that plane ride was INSANE! We literally almost crashed!”….when in actuality there were probably just a few bumps at take-off.  But… I have to say, this tidbit is 100% free from exaggeration.   I slept with ice packs on my face last night… seriously.  I actually woke up by taking a cold shower and it was AMAZING.  On a walk to get frozen yogurt yesterday, my friend and I walked into 3 air-conditioned stores along the way just to cool off.  That’s the level of heat I’m talking about here.  Now, I’m sure it doesn’t help that I don’t have a/c in my apartment, which is by the way not a great idea if you plan on living in Southern California, but that’s besides the point… the point is - it’s hot in LA. Very hot. Muy caliente.  It’s as warm as it ever gets here. Period.

Thus, I’ve spent the majority of my weekend cooling off with friends and enjoying what’s left of summer.  On Saturday night, I attended an outdoor screening of The Graduate at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery.  It’s the kind of thing you just can’t do in the winter. Now while I realize that watching a movie amongst a bunch of ghostly tombs may sound a bit odd, I can it assure you that… it is… a tiny bit, but it’s also a lot of fun (and that’s coming from someone who is definitely one of those easily scared types).  For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, it’s essentially an L.A. community summer event, much like the Hollywood Bowl, dedicated to showing classic films in an unorthodox location.  Trust me, on a warm summer night, there’s not a whole lot better than picnicking outside, watching Dustin Hoffman in his prime, and singing along to Mrs. Robinson.  It’s warm, jacketless nights outside like that one, like that really make me appreciate the heat. 

Today, I am headed to a cookout in West Hollywood and I thought this adorable dress from Tulle would be just perfect! It’s a great color, it’s light and airy, and it has a wonderful retro feel to it- just perfect for this Labor Day Heatwave.  Oh and I got the black ballet flats this weekend at Steve Madden. They were having their Scratch and Save Sale and so I ended up getting these for a bit of a steal. Yahoo!

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Dress: Tulle

Ballet Flats: Steve Madden

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Enjoy yourselves today, perhaps go out and do something unconventional, but most importantly, absorb that everlasting summer sun!


Photos today by: Jennifer Biswas