California Chill

Los Angeles, CA


Happy New Year! Yes, it has been that long since I last posted. I hope you are all off to a great 2016. Here in LA, it’s been unseasonably cold and I have been unseasonably busy.   My schedule has been packed with travel, work and fun—so I have very few complaints.

With the New Year, came a fresh new ‘do for me! My hairdresser convinced me to cut off SIX INCHES. And so for the first time in forever, I have short hair. Technically it is called a LOB and though I hate the name, I am really starting to love the look!

This morning I am chilly and oh so sleepy (if you can’t tell) so I decided to go for a very casual, very weekend-feel ensemble. I have always been into turtlenecks, on trend or not, so when I saw this striped one from LOFT I was sold—immediately.  Oh and what is better than a pink blanket scarf in February? Not much! The combo is quite cozy. To be honest though, I can’t really take credit for anything I am wearing today. My mom and sister bought me all the pieces for my birthday— aren’t they just great? 

Oh and the BEST part about this look? Almost everything is on SALE right now! I’ve included all the links below.


Pink Blanket Scarf: H&M   (Similar)  

Crossbody: J. Crew

Striped Turtleneck (Whisper White): LOFT (50% off right now) 

High Waisted Ripped Skinnies: Ruche (On SALE now!) 

Cutout Booties: Restricted Shoes

Shop this look: 

Photos By: Courtney Locks