Cozy & Cloudy

November 20, 2013

Beverly Hills, CA

After a week of sunshine and unseasonable warmth, it’s finally become a bit chilly over here in Southern California and therefore, I finally have reason to wear this oversized, comfy, sweater from Urban Outfitters.  I picked it up on one of my recent trips back to Boston and I’ve been waiting and waiting for a day like this to be able to wear it!

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It was back in early September, but on this particular day, it was already windy and chilly (and I was still dressed for summer) when I set out for an afternoon lunch with my Mum in Harvard Square.  Unwilling to sacrifice my favorite lunch spot because of the cold, I was totally frozen by the time we finished our sandwiches at this adorable deli with outdoor-only seating.   It was my Mum who actually saved the day (like she always does) and found this sweater I now so adore.  How is it that Moms always know exactly what we need?  After that, we went over to Starbucks, sipped on some hot chocolate, shared some wonderful time together, and I was warmer than a fireplace by the time we started walking again.

I plan on living in this sweater this season (especially when I go back east).  My entire outfit today is preppy and inspired by that day I spent in Harvard Square with my Mum.  Perhaps it’s because I am spending Thanksgiving away from my family for the first time ever, or perhaps the cloudy cold weather reminds me of home... either way you spin it- I’m a bit homesick today and so I let that come through in my wardrobe too.  As you can see, this outfit is very fitting for an east coast stroll around campus or also a cozy cloudy late afternoon lunch date with friends over in Beverly Hills, which is where I'm off to now!

Sweater: Urban Outfitters

Button up: J. Crew (Similar)

Boots: Forever21

Purse: Marshalls

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Photos Taken By: Jennifer Biswas