Polkadot Crazed.

June 20, 2014.

23rd St. Santa Monica, CA.

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My mum has been in town visiting and it has been such a treat.  There really isn’t anything better than a houseguest who also makes the bed, cooks my favorite breakfast in the morning, and consistently reminds me that the city of Los Angeles (the same one that I’ve slowly learned to take for granted) is quite beautiful.  Taking in the sights that have become my everyday, she remarks at the beautiful tree-lined streets in my neighborhood, the lack of bugs in the evening (we tend to get a lot back in New Hampshire), and the tall buildings that tower over us as we eat dinner outside on a nearby restaurant patio.  Having my lovely Mum out here has been like hiring my own personal Tony Robbins mentor for the week and it’s really rejuvenated my soul!

Last night we got dressed up and went to dinner down on Montana in Santa Monica with some friends.  We made sure to do some window shopping, sneak a quick view of the Pacific, and relax with a couple glasses of wine- a perfect night out for a couple ladies like us!   

Although this outfit has quickly become one my favorite date night go-to’s (remember it from our anniversary post?) it was also quite fitting for my mom-daughter ladies night too.  It's fun to dress up with my Mum!  I put on some bold lipstick, she wore a statement necklace, and we were ready to hit the town.  And what was even better, since we ended up doing quite a bit of walking, I brought along my Oxfords and jean jacket and the outfit became a bit more casual/ appropriate for walking along the beach.  Thus this is really the perfect day to night dress! I love the sweetheart top of this dress and this adorable piece has only deepend my obsession with polkadots.  I can’t seem to get enough these days! 

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Shop This Look!

Photos taken by: Courtney Locks

Just Go with It.

February 13, 2014

Hancock Park, CA

It’s February, and while we’re still in the thick of winter, and snow is beginning to pile high in most parts of the country, it was 80 degrees today in LA.  I mean, if I had a pool, I’d be laying out right now, that’s the kind of weather I’m talking about here.  And while I had all intentions of wearing a totally different, much cozier, and seasonally appropriate outfit today, I’m not sure whether the glare from the bright sunshine or my glistening sweat would’ve made those photos more distracting.  Either way, I decided to be true to my current spring-like climate.  I threw on this breezy, mint polka-dot dress from Maison Jones and took a walk over to some of the beautiful gardens in Hancock Park.


By the way, do you notice that when the weather gets beautiful, everyone seems to be in a better mood?  I feel like people were just a tiny bit happier everywhere I went today and I, personally, couldn’t stop laughing during the whole shoot this afternoon.  My photographer, Jennifer, kept cracking jokes and we just couldn’t keep it together. Oh and the best part is that these photos are right in front of someone’s beautiful home (sometimes you have to do weird things when taking photos) and she came home in the middle of the shoot, stared at us for a second, and then went along with her business inside the house… sending us into yet another fit of laughter!  Probably not the most mature moment of our lives but I’m going to go ahead and blame it on the sun.

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Oh and speaking of getting into hilarious shenanigans with your friends, did you guys know that today is officially called Galentines Day?!  When I learned this, I was basically thrilled and embarrassed at the same time.  Not only am I not the only gal who enjoys taking a moment to celebrate her girlfriends around Valentines Day, but in fact, there is an actual HOLIDAY dedicated to it.  And here I was thinking all this time that I was so clever, dedicated an entire blog post talking about the idea, and low and behold, there is a GALENINTES DAY (by the way how creative is that name?- AMAZING) invented for this very thing. Ha! At least now I’m in the loop… and so are you guys- unless you already knew but didn’t tell me (how rude).

I just got this retro-inspired dress and it’s perfect because it combines everything I love: polka-dots, mint, flare and it feels oh so girly.  I hope that this outfit today inspires you to get excited about spring and all the sunshine that we have to look forward to.  And don’t worry snow-bunnies- I’ll be back in Boston next week, where it’s sure to be chilly and cold too!

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Dress: Maison Jones/ Macy's

Heels: Aldo

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The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter. – Mark Twain


Photos by: Jennifer Biswas

Start Your Week off Bright

October 21, 2013

Los Angeles, CA

While most people stick to coffee as a Monday morning wake up remedy, I have to admit, I’m not really into the ever-popular cup of joe.  I’m sure that will change one day, but as of right now, I have yet to take the plunge over to the caffeinated side.  Now every once and a while I’ll take a swig here and there and I actually do love the delicious flavor (it’s my go-to ice cream flavor).  However, I’m just not a fan of the coffee jitters that come along with its desired morning perk.  Thus, I’m essentially a non-coffee drinker, and so I’ve had to look elsewhere to find that extra early morning energy we all so desperately crave.

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Oh and let’s face it, after a long relaxing weekend, that extra boost is even more essential. Some of my biggest concerns this past weekend included: whether or not to hike the hard side of Runyon Canyon, what kind of champagne to take to my pal’s delicious homemade birthday brunch, and which of my many Boston shirts to choose to wear while cheering on the Sox in game 6 would bring them the best luck?  Don’t worry though, while excruciatingly tough, it appears I made all of the right decisions.   No one complained about the champagne, I’m not sore at all today- a result of taking the easy hiking trail, and most importantly, I’m pretty sure it’s because of little old me and my lucky “Believe in Boston” t-shirt, that the Red Sox are headed to the World Series!

 Yes, I think we can all admit that the carefree, lax, decision making that is oh so acceptable on the weekends, and yet suddenly stripped away, and unacceptable, as soon as Monday rolls around, can be a difficult transition to maneuver.  That’s why, today, I’m looking towards this bright pink and polka-dot number to pull me through and provide me with that extra liveliness that only Ryan Seacrest seems to have been naturally blessed with.  As I’ve mentioned before, bright colors really work to energize and make you feel refreshed and awake- perfect for Monday morning slumps.  This adorable sequened pink sweater from social butterflies pairs well with my polka-dot jeans from H&M keeping the look casual and fun for the start of the week- now that’s a cup I can sip on all day!

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Sweater: C/O Social Butterflies

Jeans: H&M  

Loafers: Urban Outfitters (Similar) 

Silver ring & bow bracelet: C/O Social Butterflies


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Just can't keep a smile off my face in this little number:)